


[ kwod-ruh-reem ]


  1. (in classical antiquity) a galley having four banks of oars.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of quadrireme1

1590–1600; < Latin quadrirēmis, equivalent to quadri- quadri- + -rēmis (derivative of rēmus oar)
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Example Sentences

Quadrireme, kwod′ri-rēm, n. a galley with four benches of oars.

The Emperor Tiberius has confiscated all my possessions; and even my title to the quadrireme is questionable.”

You are penniless, my lord, for you own nothing except what your ship contains; and, if I had not succeeded in keeping Tiberius’ displeasure secret by means of a precipitate flight and by continuing to drift about in the Great Sea and the Arabian Gulf, your quadrireme also would have been seized at Alexandria and you would now have been without your ship, without your rowers, without your slaves, without a single penny.

Here, at Cape Dire, oh, there are only uncivilized Macrobii and no noble lords who could afford to buy the quadrireme!

But he certainly was the Cypriote, the sailor, Carus ... who, shortly before Ilia’s disappearance, had himself disappeared from the crew of the quadrireme ... and whom he had once found with Ilia among the oleanders!




