


[ ruh-bin-uh-vits, -wits; Russian ruh-byi-naw-vyich ]


  1. Solomon. Aleichem, Sholom.

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“The sensation these objects presented receded as their cost increased,” notes Rabinowitz.

What had been the greatest asset of the paperback revolution,” observes Rabinowitz, “became its greatest danger.

Though Rabinowitz muses that something like this would not only be impractical but also incite severe backlash.

He continues: Rabinowitz argued that the charges were the product of investigators “who convinced parents and children alike.”

"One of the accounts I work with has literally spent over $1 million in the last ten years," says Rabinowitz.

Rabinowitz died in the arms of Leonard Broman, his "pal" in the harvest fields, without ever having regained consciousness.

Leonard Broman, working partner with Abraham Rabinowitz, then took the stand and told his story.

By that time Rabinowitz's son will just come out of college and will need money to establish himself—so it will be a sure deal.

Cross-eyed Dora met a cousin from Philadelphia and married him just when Rabinowitz's son obtained his degree.





RabinRabin, Yitzhak