


[ ran-duh-mahy-zey-shuhn ]


  1. the act or process of ordering or selecting people, things, or places in a random way, as in a sample or experiment, especially in order to reduce bias and interference by irrelevant variables:

    Randomization was achieved by using a computer-generated number to assign each participant to a group.

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The rest of the patients are randomized into one of four treatment groups, each receiving a different experimental therapy.

These are known as randomized, controlled clinical trials with placebos.

In each trial, we combined two faces into the same image, with their order randomized, then computed the saliency map over the combined image.

For each iteration of our simulation, the order of races is randomized to mitigate systematic bias in our prediction.

From Ozy

You can randomize footprints all you want, but Google algorithm is smart enough to identify them, and it doesn’t go unpunished.





random errorrandomize