[ ree-i-maj-in ]
verb (used with object)
- to think about or consider in a new and creative way: Each of the forty short stories reimagines a moment from the original film, but through the eyes of a supporting character.
For decades, Walt Disney would strive to reimagine the typical amusement park as a theme park, an idealized salute to America's past and a nod to an experimental vision for its future.
Each of the forty short stories reimagines a moment from the original film, but through the eyes of a supporting character.
- to create or imagine a new lifestyle or identity for (oneself):
It was a song written to help him transform and reimagine himself in the aftermath of his parent's divorce.
Word History and Origins
Origin of reimagine1
Example Sentences
The worst thing that could happen would be to release a vaccine that’s not safe…imagine for all of our vaccine programs the impact that would have on public health and consumer confidence.
I can imagine that victims feeling ashamed would make it hard for us to get an accurate idea of how often this really happens.
These 100 percent cotton Turkish towels come in every color you could imagine, and are deeply absorbent despite packing down to a small size.
Then as a Band-Aid on this huge problem, you’re saying, “Okay, we have a data protection law, which says that data should never be used for a purpose that was not imagined or anticipated.”
Frankly, without a vaccine, it is hard for marketers to imagine a safe time to attend.
The cult of corporatism allows us to reimagine the corporation as our ultimate access point to the infinitude of possibility.
No doubt another Broadway generation will one day find a different, equally exciting way to reimagine this classic.
The students really learn to read, criticize, and reimagine works of history.
And we are defined by a democratic discourse that allows each generation to reimagine and renew our union once more.
He had the foresight to reimagine the American department store.