

Rhine River

  1. River in Europe , rising in the Alps of Switzerland and flowing generally north, passing through or bordering on Switzerland, Liechtenstein , Austria , Germany , France , and The Netherlands before emptying into the North Sea .

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A principal river of Europe, the Rhine carries more traffic than any other waterway in the world.
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Example Sentences

The warriors from Rhine river / did here such victory win That for their foes 'twere better / if they such meeting ne'er had seen.

Tents full large and many / arose upon the green, Yonder side Rhine river.

The father and mother of the hero-boy lived in a strong castle near the banks of the great Rhine river.

Rhine land and Rhine River vanish, and I leave the stage for this upper world.

Franks, a Germanic people on the Rhine river, who afterward founded the French monarchy.





Rhine Provincerhinestone