

Rock Falls


  1. a city in NW Illinois.

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Example Sentences

Coming back through the Icefall on Friday the boys missed two rock falls by no more than three minutes.

Russia had this happen four times, and they bombed it, and it breaks up all the rock and the rock falls in and the leak stops.

A great rock falls from the mountain, and covers the tomb, over it is seen an angel.

If a rock falls from the cliff above him, what more natural than to suppose that there is some giant up there who threw it at him?

Suppose a rock falls from a hill-side, crushes a group of cottages, and kills a number of people.

With those due to rock-falls in subterranean channels, we need have little to do.

Snow fields, without many rock-falls, appeared to culminate in a saddle at the base of the great snowy dome.



