
[ roh-zet ]
See synonyms for rosette on
  1. any arrangement, part, object, or formation more or less resembling a rose.

  2. a rose-shaped arrangement of ribbon or other material, used as an ornament or badge.

  1. Also rosace. an architectural ornament resembling a rose or having a generally circular combination of parts.

  2. Botany. a circular cluster of leaves or other organs.

  3. a broad ornamental head for a screw or nail.

  4. Metallurgy.

    • any of a number of disks of refined copper formed when cold water is thrown onto the molten metal.

    • a rounded microconstituent of certain alloys.

  5. Plant Pathology. any of several diseases of plants, characterized by the crowding of the foliage into circular clusters owing to a shortening of the internodes of stems or branches, caused by fungi, viruses, or nutritional deficiencies.

  6. one of the compound spots on a leopard.

Origin of rosette

1780–90; <French: little rose, Old French. See rose1, -ette

Words Nearby rosette

Other definitions for Rosette (2 of 2)

[ roh-zet ]

  1. a female given name. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use rosette in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for rosette


/ (rəʊˈzɛt) /

  1. a decoration or pattern resembling a rose, esp an arrangement of ribbons or strips formed into a rose-shaped design and worn as a badge or presented as a prize

  2. another name for rose window

  1. a rose-shaped patch of colour, such as one of the clusters of spots marking a leopard's fur

  2. botany a circular cluster of leaves growing from the base of a stem

  3. any of various plant diseases characterized by abnormal leaf growth

Origin of rosette

C18: from Old French: a little rose 1

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