

sans peur et sans reproche

[ sahn pœr ey sahn ruh-prawsh ]


, French.
  1. without fear and without reproach: said originally of the French knight, the Seigneur de Bayard.

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He was the one pianist sans peur et sans reproche.

Like 'Sans peur et sans reproche.'

It is even on record that the Chevalier sans peur et sans reproche went to Chartres pour se faire enchemiser before he went to war.

After the victory Francis wished to be knighted 143 by Bayard, who, though only a lieutenant, had so distinguished himself that the whole army looked upon him as a perfect model of a Christian soldier, and gave him the name of 'le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche.'

In the opening chapter, several instances of considerable ingenuity were referred to; but as the conduct of the individuals in question was not sans peur et sans reproche, the cases came under the head of the immoral effects of the want of money, and were necessarily not illustrations of ingenuity proper, but ingenuity slightly improper.



