

Scotch thistle


  1. a tall, prickly plant, Onopordum acanthium, native to Eurasia, having stems and leaves covered with cottony down and solitary purple flower heads: the national emblem of Scotland.

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Scotch kale, a variety of kale; Scotch mist, a mist like fine rain; Scotch pebbles, varieties of agate and jasper; Scotch thistle, the national emblem of Scotland.

It was a squatter who introduced sparrows into Australia, and rabbits, and Scotch thistles, and docks, and the bot fly; also swine fever.

The opposition did not want to fight but was intent to discover if the new lad in school would keep his ground saying, like the Scotch thistle, Don't touch me.

Of course opinions differ as to what was or is the true Scotch thistle, but of the several varieties of thistles many beliefs are entertained.

The Scotch thistle seemed likely at one stage to usurp the whole grass country.



