

View synonyms for set up shop

set up shop

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Idioms and Phrases

Open a business, start a profession, as in Now that you've got your degree, where do you plan to set up shop? This idiom was first recorded about 1570.
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Example Sentences

Many of its suppliers have also set up shop in the US, lured by government incentives for renewable energy introduced by President Joe Biden.

From BBC

Hermès and Chanel had not yet set up shop, and artists of all sorts took advantage of the neighborhood’s cheap rent and feckless enforcement of the building code.

She married Michael in Los Angeles in 1964, and by 1971, when he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, they had set up shop on Abbot Kinney in Venice.

Miller said decades of banding and tracking the owls has shown they typically don’t set up shop and breed elsewhere if banished from an area.

The massive defense spending cuts after the collapse of the Soviet Union devastated the industry in the county, dropping employment in the sector from about 130,000 in 1990 to less than half that a decade later — but with its heritage, talent pool and world-class universities, the region was a logical place for SpaceX to set up shop.


Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


