

View synonyms for sexual harassment

sexual harassment

[ sek-shoo-uhl huh-ras-muhnt, har-uhs-muhnt ]


  1. unwelcome sexual advances, either verbal or physical, especially by someone with power or authority:

    Employees complained about a corporate culture that turned a blind eye to discrimination, microaggressions, and sexual harassment.

sexual harassment


  1. the persistent unwelcome directing of sexual remarks and looks, and unnecessary physical contact at a person, usually a woman, esp in the workplace
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of sexual harassment1

First recorded in 1970–75
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Example Sentences

“There’s just not a lot of recourse for the victims of sexual harassment within those worlds,” said Ben Beliles, an attorney for Lee in her case.

TAMPA — NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Thursday that attorney Beth Wilkinson is “nearing the completion” of her investigation into the Washington Football Team over allegations of sexual harassment and mistreatment of female employees.

Demands for stronger policies against sexual harassment and more support for women and people of color have already led to changes at the tech giants.

She started her career at dating app Tinder but sued the company over sexual harassment and discrimination claims.

From Fortune

She filed suit against Tinder for sexual harassment and discrimination, which was at least somewhat inspirational in her quest to build a dating app that put women in the driver’s seat.

The owner of is facing a lawsuit for sexual harassment.

Lisa Jackson, the manager, was white, but she charged that the environment of sexual harassment extended to racial discrimination.

The wage structure of waiting tables is a sexual-harassment machine.

Of course, there is the past sexual harassment lawsuit and the general atmosphere of sexual objectification.

Sexual harassment is a broad term that can cover everything from suggestive looks, to orders to dress sexier for work, to rape.





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