

View synonyms for sharp-edged


[ shahrp-ejd ]


  1. having a fine edge or edges.
  2. acute and caustic:

    a sharp-edged wit.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of sharp-edged1

before 1000; Old English scearpecgede (not recorded in ME); sharp, edge, -ed 3
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Example Sentences

Sharp-edged attacks, particularly by male rivals, risk running afoul of the societal bias against, essentially, hitting a girl.

Albini and Nastasia make a quieter team, but her songs are nonetheless powerful and sharp-edged where they need to be.

From the sharp-edged cliff on one side to the equally sharp cliff on the other was a width of considerably over twenty feet.

You receive an impression of sharp-edged flints and broken bottles.

"We go a journey," said Sokala, and took from beneath his bed his wicker shield and his sharp-edged throwing-spear.

I said I had no right to ask more than he chose to tell; and at this he blurted out an oath and let me have the sharp-edged truth.

But, my dear, discipline is a sharp-edged tool which men do well to let alone, except for children.




