
[ shuhv-uhl ]
See synonyms for: shovelshovelling on

  1. an implement consisting of a broad blade or scoop attached to a long handle, used for taking up, removing, or throwing loose matter, as earth, snow, or coal.

  2. any fairly large contrivance or machine with a broad blade or scoop for taking up or removing loose matter: a steam shovel.

  1. Informal. shovel hat.

verb (used with object),shov·eled, shov·el·ing or (especially British) shov·elled, shov·el·ling.
  1. to take up and cast or remove with a shovel: to shovel coal.

  2. to gather up in large quantity roughly or carelessly with or as if with a shovel: He shoveled food into his mouth.

  1. to dig or clear with or as if with a shovel: to shovel a path through the snow.

verb (used without object),shov·eled, shov·el·ing or (especially British) shov·elled, shov·el·ling.
  1. to work with a shovel.

Origin of shovel

before 900; Middle English schovel,Old English scofl; cognate with Dutch schoffel hoe; akin to German Schaufel shovel

Other words from shovel

  • un·shov·eled, adjective
  • un·shov·elled, adjective

Words Nearby shovel Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use shovel in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for shovel


/ (ˈʃʌvəl) /

  1. an instrument for lifting or scooping loose material, such as earth, coal, etc, consisting of a curved blade or a scoop attached to a handle

  2. any machine or part resembling a shovel in action

  1. Also called: shovelful the amount that can be contained in a shovel

  2. short for shovel hat

verb-els, -elling or -elled or US -els, -eling or -eled
  1. to lift (earth, etc) with a shovel

  2. (tr) to clear or dig (a path) with or as if with a shovel

  1. (tr) to gather, load, or unload in a hurried or careless way: he shovelled the food into his mouth and rushed away

Origin of shovel

Old English scofl; related to Old High German scūfla shovel, Dutch schoffel hoe; see shove

Derived forms of shovel

  • shoveller or US shoveler, noun

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