

sidewalk sale


  1. a sale, often held annually, as at the end of each summer, in which merchants display reduced-price merchandise on the sidewalks in front of their stores.

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He became a regular in the past year, and brought his friend Reyna Rabeau to the sidewalk sale.

At a recent Saturday sidewalk sale outside Car Artisan Chocolate in Pasadena, Cindy mused on what she has learned over the last two years.

At least 65 vendors are setting up around Dupont Circle on Saturday afternoon, turning Connecticut Avenue, P Street and 17th Street NW into the city’s biggest sidewalk sale.

Hillsboro Mayor Roger L. Vance asked as he mingled with residents at the sidewalk sale, reflecting on the changes.

The residents of the small town in western Loudoun County had put out tables on a recent Saturday filled with books, plants and homeware, rolling out their first sidewalk sale.





sidewalk artistsidewalk superintendent