

View synonyms for simulator


[ sim-yuh-ley-ter ]


  1. a person or thing that simulates.
  2. a machine for simulating certain environmental and other conditions for purposes of training or experimentation:

    a flight simulator.


/ ˈsɪmjʊˌleɪtə /


  1. any device or system that simulates specific conditions or the characteristics of a real process or machine for the purposes of research or operator training

    space simulator

  2. a person who simulates
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of simulator1

First recorded in 1825–35, simulator is from the Latin word simulātor imitator, counterfeiter. See simulate, -tor
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Example Sentences

Flight simulators and other more “sit down, strap in” kinds of gaming experiences might be more your gaming speed.

This is the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory solar simulator, a tool that can shine with the intensity of 20 Suns.

In the simulator, you can test the model against all kinds of extremely unlikely scenarios—including ones that have never occurred in history.

From Fortune

Today, it makes everything from home security cameras to Bluetooth speakers to high-end racing simulator wheels.

From Time

All of her simulators are available through Sheehan Medical, of which she is the founder and president.

By 2011, Airbus was working on a program to replicate these conditions in a flight simulator for use in pilot training.

I have no qualifications as a pilot, but I have flown a 777 in a Boeing simulator and provoked a stick shake.

You go through the simulator, you pull the trigger, you shoot the bad guy.

He and his colleagues used a GPS satellite simulator and managed to send GPS signals for more than a mile.

The game's creator, Sid Meier, somehow packed a plausible simulator of human history into a three-megabyte file.

As a matter of fact she was not so much young and unsophisticated as an unconscious simulator of simplicity.

In short, she was an accomplished embustera, and she richly earned the designation in the accusation of a simulator of miracles.

For instance, if a simulator is asked his name, his answer will show no connection with the question.

Cujus rei libet simulator atque dissimulator—A finished pretender and dissembler.

It has been the policy of that antient and grey simulator, in all ages, to hide his horns and claws.


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More About Simulator

What does simulator mean?

A simulator is a program or machine that simulates a real-life situation, meaning that it creates a virtual version of it, often for the purpose of instruction or experiment, such as a flight simulator.

Simulators are frequently used to train people in complicated and often dangerous tasks, such as performing surgery or flying an airplane. Simulators allow them to learn and gain experience in such tasks without the risks. Rarely, the word is also sometimes used to refer to a person who is simulating (faking) an action.

Example: This flight simulator allows pilots to become comfortable with the controls without having to do so during an actual flight.

Where does simulator come from?

Simulator was first recorded in the 1800s. It comes from the Latin word simulātor, meaning “imitator” or “counterfeiter.” It is the noun form of the verb simulate, which is derived from the Latin similis, which means “like” and is also the basis for the word similar.

Simulators are primarily used for education and training. Astronauts use simulators to experience what it will be like to operate under different gravitational conditions. Environmental simulators allow scientists to view the effects of certain elements on an ecosystem without actually introducing them in real life. Surgeons can practice certain types of surgery using simulators. Flight simulators allow pilots or people training to become pilots to test the controls of an aircraft without actually flying. But they can also be used just for fun. These often take the form of a video game, with a simple setup involving just a controller and a screen. However, some flight simulators involve a lifelike cockpit that actually moves along with the controls.

A simulator involves a simulation, but the two terms are different. Simulation is a more general term that refers to the reenactment or imitation of something. For example, a hospital may run a simulation of a disease outbreak in order to prepare for such an event. This kind of simulation involves actual people playing roles, unlike the virtual simulation created by a simulator.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to simulator?


What are some synonyms for simulator?

What are some words that share a root or word element with simulator


What are some words that often get used in discussing simulator?


How is simulator used in real life?

Simulators are mostly used for education and experimentation, but they can also be used for fun.



Try using simulator!

Which of the following things can be simulated with a simulator?

A. surgery
B. flight
C. space travel
D. all of the above



