[ skit-l ]
, Chiefly British.
- skittles, (used with a singular verb) ninepins in which a wooden ball or disk is used to knock down the pins.
- one of the pins used in this game.
/ ˈskɪtəl /
- a wooden or plastic pin, typically widest just above the base
- Also called (esp US)ninepins plural; functioning as singular a bowling game in which players knock over as many skittles as possible by rolling a wooden ball at them
- beer and skittles informal.often used with a negative an easy time; amusement
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Word History and Origins
Origin of skittle1
1625–35; perhaps < Scandinavian; compare Old Norse skutill shuttle, arrow; Danish skyttel shuttle
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Word History and Origins
Origin of skittle1
C17: of obscure origin; perhaps related to Swedish, Danish skyttel shuttle
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Example Sentences
Quoits hung up on several large nails driven into a wall, and there was a covered skittle alley.
From Project Gutenberg
In the meanwhile in a remote corner of the park the quality was assembled round the skittle-alley.
From Project Gutenberg
Skittle-playing and fighting are all very well; but one may have too much of them.
From Project Gutenberg
There were trap-ball and tennis grounds, and skittle-grounds.
From Project Gutenberg
But the skittle players were in the majority though there was a keen opposition.
From Project Gutenberg