


[ smahy-laks ]


  1. any plant belonging to the genus Smilax, of the lily family, growing in tropical and temperate zones, consisting mostly of vines having woody stems.
  2. a delicate, twining plant, Asparagus asparagoides, of the lily family, having glossy, bright-green, egg-shaped leaves, cultivated by florists.


/ ˈsmaɪlæks /


  1. any typically climbing shrub of the smilacaceous genus Smilax, of warm and tropical regions, having slightly lobed leaves, small greenish or yellow flowers, and berry-like fruits: includes the sarsaparilla plant and greenbrier
  2. a fragile, much branched liliaceous vine, Asparagus asparagoides, of southern Africa: cultivated by florists for its glossy bright green foliage
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of smilax1

1595–1605; < Latin smīlax bindweed < Greek smîlax bindweed, yew
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Word History and Origins

Origin of smilax1

C17: via Latin from Greek: bindweed
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Example Sentences

This insect is larger than P. smilax, but resembles it extremely in its upper side.

One was made of smilax and pink roses; the other a small wreath of evergreens with a silver bell fastened to it.

Their hats were adorned with trailing wreaths of smilax, and about their shoulders were garlands of carnations.

The altar was a mass of bridal roses under an immense trellis of trailing smilax.

Off in one of the corners, have a cut-glass bowl filled with punch and around it a ring of smilax.




