solar radiation
- energy radiated from the sun in the form of electromagnetic waves, including visible and ultraviolet light and infrared radiation.
Word History and Origins
Origin of solar radiation1
Example Sentences
During the 2018 wildfires in British Columbia, there was such a persistent smoke plume that people claimed to have detected a reduction in crop generation under it, because of the decrease in solar radiation.
There was such a persistent smoke plume that crops suffered because of the decrease in solar radiation.
Window glass is “one of the weakest links” in a building’s defense against solar radiation, Rempel said, because it readily transmits heat.
During the day, heat comes from solar radiation — the sunlight that streams through windows and beats down on roofs and walls.
Adding trees to snow-covered regions, for example, could increase the absorption of solar radiation, possibly leading to warming.
On the other hand, the moon is small and without an atmosphere or a magnetic field to deflect solar radiation.
If we can imagine the earth cut off from the solar radiation, the air would cease to move.
Such a frozen fog is an effective reflector of solar radiation.
Had no other obstacle existed, this alone would have been sufficient to render the observations on solar radiation impossible.
Here was a means of convening solar radiation into heat, then, that offered tremendous commercial possibilities!
As a rule, even when the sky is clear, about one-half of the solar radiation is lost during the day by atmospheric absorption.
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