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[ suh-lid-i-tee ]


  1. the state, property, or quality of being solid.
  2. firmness and strength; substantialness:

    an argument with little solidity.

  3. strength of mind, character, finances, etc.
  4. Obsolete. the amount of space occupied by a solid body; volume.

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  • unso·lidi·ty noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of solidity1

1525–35; < Latin soliditās, equivalent to solid ( us ) solid + -itās -ity

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Example Sentences

He argued that matter — the solidity from which physical objects are constructed — was in fact nothing more than a bunch of “holes” in the vacuum of space.

It depends on the solidity of your gender category which I don’t have.

It’s fitting that, rather than flaunt the solidity of marble and bronze, Schultz’s memorials appear as wispy and fragile as American unity.

Payne’s early career turbulence stands in stark opposition to the solidity he now offers his team during the resurgence of his career.

They also raise questions about the solidity of a market that can be so easily swayed, especially as retail investors increasingly flock to cryptocurrencies.

From Vox

Edward, also an Empire orphan, born in Malaysia, could be the solidity she needs.

The weight and heft of a Bible, its solidity, itself implies eternity.

Mrs. Madoff may have thought the name conveyed solidity and a smattering of glamour.

It has a huge ivy-covered tower and its interior gives every evidence of the age-lasting solidity of the English churches.

Goethe's poem is more interesting because of the greater solidity of the characters, and because of the more closely knitted plot.

The continuity which the surface seems to have, and the apparent solidity of the ball are, then, pure illusions.

Does not every reform suppose that God did not know how at the start to give His religion the required solidity and perfection?

No words can picture the majestic solidity of these three distinct masses of building.

He was a stout, healthy-looking person, inclining to embonpoint; bound to succeed, if only from sheer solidity of person.

The granite quays on either side give solidity, while a long flight of granite steps leads down to the river.

It was but the semblance of a road, without firmness and solidity.

Printed on the letterheads, it gave added solidity and added substantiality to the bank's roster.

He found her flooded forward—her nose anchored into the sand with a rock-of-ages solidity.

No man could be much with him without being struck with his depth of character, and the solidity of his views.

In crossing a wide crevasse, the sledge became bogged in the soft snow of a drift which had a deceptive appearance of solidity.

This skin had such a consistency, says our author, such a degree of solidity, that all my efforts to split it were without result.

This gives a certain solidity to the net-like fabric and yet does not add appreciably to its weight.

The solidity is such, that unless people make a point of destroying it, the building must last a great number of ages.

We live in a three dimensional world, and in its length, breadth, and solidity do we disport ourselves.

There is in the base h somewhat less chance of accidental dislocation, and somewhat greater solidity and weight.

It is, however, I believe, sometimes supposed that rustication gives an appearance of solidity to foundation stones.

It was of course its position in the Debateable Land which prompted its builders to invest it with such strength and solidity.

I myself am convinced, by long and many repeated experience, of their justness and solidity.


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