


[ soh-nyuh; Russian saw-nyah ]


  1. a female given name, Russian form of Sophia.

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Example Sentences

So, Sonia, India has been using internet shutdowns increasingly often.

As a student she took an internship in New York with Sonia Sotomayor, who would later join the Supreme Court.

The difference was clear to Sonia Little, who came from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to attend both climate marches.

I called [my wife] Sonia to tell her that I was almost home.

Even in the Clinton Administration, there was already discussion of Sonia Sotomayor as a future Supreme Court Justice.

The four liberal justices—Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor—will likely rule for them.

While you are gone I shall write to Sonia that we have at last found a clue, and ask her to come on at once.

She acted the story, admirably keeping back the points which would have grated on Sonia's instincts, or rather expectations.

Sonia saw him first at the opera, modestly occupying a front seat in the balcony.

"You have a fine imagination, Colette, but I would not give a penny for your instinct," said Sonia.

Even Sonia, impressed by the enthusiasm of the gathering, and its esteem for Dillon, could not withhold her admiration.




