

South Temperate Zone


  1. the part of the earth's surface between the tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle.

South Temperate Zone

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Of this immense territory 53�5 per cent. lies within the Tropics, and 46�5 per cent. within the South Temperate Zone.

Our next chapters will be a series of wonder tales which reveal the South Temperate Zone and its inhabitants as they appeared to the young and susceptible Italian, Pigafetta, nearly four hundred years ago.

South Temperate Zone.—Because of the large ocean surface, the whole meteorological r�gime in the south temperate zone is more uniform than in the northern.

Nay, in the South Temperate Zone itself, the two regions of South Africa and South America are unlike in their mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusks, insects.

But with the whole tropical region intervening it was to be expected that in the South Temperate Zone many things would be different, and such expectation was amply fulfilled.



