


[ spang-ker ]


  1. Nautical.
    1. a fore-and-aft sail on the aftermost lower mast of a sailing vessel having three or more masts.
    2. a designation given to the mast abaft a mizzenmast, usually the aftermost mast in any vessel.
  2. Informal. a smartly moving person or animal, especially a fast horse.
  3. Chiefly New England. something remarkably fine.


, Nautical.
  1. of or relating to a spanker mast or its rigging.


/ ˈspæŋkə /


  1. nautical a fore-and-aft sail or a mast that is aftermost in a sailing vessel
  2. informal.
    a person or animal that moves at a quick smart pace
  3. informal.
    something outstandingly fine or large
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of spanker1

First recorded in 1745–55; akin to spanking
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Example Sentences

As "Dolly" Spanker, my husband, he was inimitable, and brought down the house two or three times during the evening.

To become the owner of this old friend again and of his new companions, Spanker and Pony, was a work of necessity.

Spanker, spang′kėr, n. the after-sail of a ship or barque, so called from its flapping in the breeze.

Spanker received his congratulations with a loud laugh, and a hearty shake of the hand.

Spanker, in riding home full gallop the preceding day, had been thrown from her horse by an old woman.




