

View synonyms for Stalinist


[ stah-luh-nist ]


  1. of or relating to Joseph Stalin or Stalinism.


  1. an advocate or supporter of Stalin or Stalinism.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of Stalinist1

First recorded in 1925–30; Stalin + -ist
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Example Sentences

It’s coming at tremendous cost to his own people, but Putin hears the echo of the Stalinist legends.

From TIme

They may achieve short-term economic breakthroughs as part of late Imperial or Stalinist modernization.

From Time

There were moments in her life, particularly in the late 1930s, when the Stalinist purges were underway.

The Five Percent Nation of Islam was there as well as fringe Stalinist groups.

Brussels and Washington may no longer be able to contain Lukashenko as he builds a Stalinist dynasty in the heart of Europe.

Critics of the idea consider such an option not only “delusional” but reminiscent of Stalinist art sell-offs during the 1930s.

Pyongyang, the capital of the Stalinist dictatorship of North Korea?

After the Allied victory, the country was repackaged as a Soviet puppet state ruled by odious Stalinist thugs.

But aside from this he made no changes in his Stalinist method of rule.

Agriculture was collectivised in the best Stalinist traditions, though far less swiftly (it was completed only in 1967).

It is eroding the unity of what was once a Stalinist empire.

Internally, the ruling elite, headed by Enver Hoxha, maintained a rigid regime of the Stalinist type.

At no time since the mid-1950s did cultural policy reach the degree of repression of the Stalinist period.





StalinismStalin, Joseph