

View synonyms for star system

star system


  1. the practice of casting and promoting star performers for their ability to draw at the box office.

star system


  1. astronomy a group of celestial bodies that are associated as a result of natural laws
  2. the practice of casting one or two famous actors or actresses in a film, play, etc, so that their popularity ensures its success
  3. a design for laying cables for cable television in which each house is fed by an individual cable from a local central distribution point
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of star system1

First recorded in 1900–05
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Example Sentences

We know many star systems have planets resembling Earth and have evidence that liquid water may not be so rare.

The study estimates that the Earth is surrounded by thousands of star systems from which hypothetical inhabitants would be able to detect our presence via the same techniques we've been using to search for life around other stars.

The new work shows that most star systems with a good look at Earth will keep that view for thousands of years.

Ever since the Hubble Space Telescope revealed the sheer number of nearby galaxies, astronomers have become obsessed with searching for exoplanets in other star systems, particularly ones that appear habitable.

In fact, it might hail from a star system not too different from our own.

In visible light this star system is completely shrouded in dust, its details hidden.

The second is to find planets as close as possible to Earth in size, composition, and position in their star system.

Most of the atoms in a newborn star system are hydrogen, which is the lightest chemical element.

Think of it this way—here's a race, obviously humanoid, on another star system.

Light comes from the uttermost bounds of our star system—to that rim we can extend a positive thought.

The Lhari ships traveled at normal speeds, like the regular planetary ships, inside each star-system.

The Pleiades then would seem to be a most glorious star-system, not yet come to its full growth.

The decline of the star system is rather to be greeted as the dawn of a better era.


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