[ stil-tid ]
- stiffly dignified or formal, as speech or literary style; pompous.
Synonyms: constrained, stuffy, mannered, wooden
- Architecture. (of an arch) resting on imposts treated in part as downward continuations of the arch.
/ ˈstɪltɪd /
- (of speech, writing, etc) formal, pompous, or bombastic
- not flowing continuously or naturally
stilted conversation
- architect (of an arch) having vertical piers between the impost and the springing
Derived Forms
- ˈstiltedness, noun
- ˈstiltedly, adverb
Other Words From
- un·stilted adjective
Example Sentences
The ubiquitous woman’s voice that could read your video’s text out loud in a slightly stilted, robotic cadence was suddenly replaced by one with an almost smirky, upbeat tone.
In place of the other characters’ stilted dialogue and comedic flat-liners, these two just hiss and roar and purr at each other monstrously.
Pelosi has had her own showdowns with Facebook after the company refused to remove a distorted video that was edited to make her speech appear stilted and slurred.
Fortunately, Nersessian is a sufficiently gifted writer that even where her interpretations struck me as unconvincing or stilted, the strength of her sentences, in combination with her obvious passion for the poetry, carried me through.
With a stilted internet connection, this can become impossible.
It is glorious in its stilted awkwardness, and should be cherished.
They end up being stilted and politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they already have.
The so-far stilted public conversation could use additional voices of expertise.
Complete with stilted dialogue and cringe-worthy background music, the whole thing would be laughable were it not so terrifying.
As a debate, this was a sideshow, 90 minutes of stilted silliness, an intermission interrupting the real deal.
Thats an imitation of the stilted expressions of the Japs and Chinks, interrupted Chetwood.
The Southern poetry of the civil war was even more rhetorical and stilted than that of the North.
The style is stilted, and there is no attempt at delineation of character.
Avoid all stilted phrases and studied efforts at consolation.
This tone of raillery and this stilted manner of speech promptly caught the fancy of the throng.