

stirrup leather


  1. the strap that holds the stirrup of a saddle.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of stirrup leather1

Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400
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Example Sentences

But the jar threw my six-shooter where I couldn't reach it, and the carbine was jammed in the stirrup-leather on the wrong side.

The offside flap had been torn off, so had both stirrup-irons, the stirrup leather remained.

And Punch limped painfully to the side of the second dragoon, while Pen took hold of the stirrup-leather of the first.

Even the pony felt the good influence and almost broke into a trot as Kim laid a hand on the stirrup-leather.

As I pulled him up it eased the stirrup leather, and the spurred heel clinked loudly as it fell.





stirrup jarstirrup pump