


[ strous; German shtrous ]


  1. Isidor, 1845–1912, U.S. retail merchant and politician, born in Bavaria: congressman 1894–95 (brother of Nathan and Oscar Solomon Straus).
  2. Nathan, 1848–1931, U.S. retail merchant, born in Bavaria.
  3. Os·car [os, -ker, aws, -kah, r], 1870–1954, Austrian composer.
  4. Oscar Solomon, 1850–1926, U.S. diplomat, jurist, and government official, born in Bavaria: Secretary of Commerce and Labor 1906–09.


/ straʊs /


  1. StrausOscar18701954MFrenchAustrianMUSIC: composer Oscar (ɔskar). 1870–1954, French composer, born in Austria, noted for such operettas as Waltz Dream (1907) and The Chocolate Soldier (1908)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Although most of the rare blood clots have occurred in women younger than 60 years old, the factors that could put people at risk of forming clots remain unclear, Straus said.

In Germany, for instance, the reported rate is around 1 case of blood clots per 100,000 people while it is around 1 case per 600,000 people in the United Kingdom, Straus said.

Determining how often people actually do develop blood clots after their shots is difficult, since the committee is relying on vaccinated people to report their symptoms rather than routine monitoring done by experts, Straus said.

“Because the vaccine is effective in preventing Covid-19 disease, which in itself is a cause of blood clots, it likely reduces the risk of thrombotic events overall,” said Straus.

From Vox

It’s too early to know for sure, however, because there is not enough data to rule out other explanations, Straus said.

Political Order and Political Decay Francis Fukuyama (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux) How are strong democratic states created?

His next book, Lost and Found in Johannesburg, will be published by Farrar, Straus Giroux in April 2014.

The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America by George Packer, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

Hothouse by Boris Kachka A romp through the history of venerable publisher Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

By then, I decided to send the two printed chapters to an editor at Farrar, Straus & Giroux, which made me an offer right away.

Mr. Straus accepted the invitation, mentally resolving that he would not discuss the war himself, but merely listen.

"That is a very important statement you have made, Mr. Ambassador," said Mr. Straus, measuring every word.

The possibility that he might play a part in bringing hostilities to a close now occurred to Mr. Straus.

Mr. Straus saw in this acquiescent mood a chance to appeal directly to President Wilson.

I have for some time watched a steady improvement in the work of Mr. Ralph Straus.





stratus cloudsStrauss