


[ sood-n-eez, -ees ]


, plural Su·da·nese.
  1. a native or inhabitant of Sudan.


  1. of or relating to Sudan or its inhabitants.
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Other Words From

  • an·ti-Su·da·nese adjective noun plural antiSudanese
  • pro-Su·da·nese adjective noun plural proSudanese
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Word History and Origins

Origin of Sudanese1

First recorded in 1880–85; Sudan + -ese
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Example Sentences

There were several reports of live fire being used by Sudanese security forces against protestors.

From Axios

Asim Elhag, an independent Sudanese researcher who studies conflict in Africa, has seen Toyota Land Cruisers retrofitted with anti-aircraft guns.

From Quartz

Olanlege, who is Nigerian and Sudanese, used a similar strategy in her winning speech at Harvard, directly challenging her audience over the uninformed questions she gets about Africa.

From Time

So we will want to discuss with the Sudanese possibilities for durable solutions so that they can get opportunities for work in Sudan.

From Vox

Ibrahim made clear to Deputy Dennis Meyer that his daughter was a respectful and dutiful girl of Sudanese extraction.

Perry and others seem to completely diminish the agency of South Sudanese in their own history.

Supporting the South Sudanese people is one thing, but supporting the government is another.

Sudanese officials recently noted that the verdict was not final.

Many South Sudanese government and opposition leaders hold U.S. or Canadian citizenship.

Jenne taught the Sudanese the art of commercial navigation, and her fleets penetrated beyond Timbuctoo and the Kong country.

Timbuctoo is the meeting place, says an old Sudanese chronicle, of all who travel by camel or canoe.

Germany has, in common with the little Sudanese state of Wadai, an influential and dangerous position.

The unreliable nature of the Sudanese was a constant source of anxiety to him, and enhanced the critical situation.

The bravery of the English in advancing on Khartum with such a small number of men is always a source of wonder to the Sudanese.





SudanSudan grass