


[ thur-tee-fawr, -fohr ]


  1. a cardinal number, 30 plus 4.
  2. a symbol for this number, as 34 or XXXIV.
  3. a set of this many persons or things.


  1. amounting to 34 in number.
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Example Sentences

“That was the longest, most severe S/M session I have experienced in my thirty-four-year tenure,” she writes in the book.

Thirty-four years ago, America elected Ronald Reagan as president, and sent a dozen Democratic senators to an early retirement.

Thirty-four percent of the 680 respondents said they love the new iOS look, and 36 percent of you thought the new Pro was "cool."

Thirty-four years later (after sorting through his long-lost paperwork), Rascon received a prestigious Medal of Honor.

The general's share as commander-in-chief at Naples had been valued by experts at thirty-four thousand pounds.

Accordingly we find a stairway, H, H2, of thirty-four steps leading down from the gallery H.

A ladder was planted and thirty-four men scaled the walls unobserved, when a chance noise startled the guard.

The amendment was lost by a majority of two hundred and thirty-four against two hundred and sixty-two.

Not far off is the Tower of Ivan Veliki, which serves as a campanile for three cathedrals and has thirty-four bells.




