Title IX
- a clause in the 1972 Education Act stating that no one shall because of sex be denied the benefits of any educational program of activity that receives direct federal aid.
Example Sentences
Slusser, San José State associate head coach Melissa Batie-Smoose and 10 other current and former players filed another lawsuit Nov. 13 aimed at having the transgender player removed ahead of the conference tournament, stating that her inclusion violated Title IX rights for gender equity in federally funded institutions.
It also wants the court to rule that the school district failed to provide equal treatment for girls in sport, a violation of Title IX, and it seeks monetary damages.
The complaint was filed by SJSU’s volleyball co-captain Brooke Slusser and 10 athletes from other schools, who allege that their Title IX rights are being violated by allowing the transgender athlete to play for a women’s sports team.
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational settings.
They could revise, again, enforcement of the Title IX civil rights law to eliminate protections for LGBTQ+ students and strengthen rights for those accused of sexual misconduct.