1[ treys ]
- a surviving mark, sign, or evidence of the former existence, influence, or action of some agent or event; vestige:
traces of an advanced civilization among the ruins.
- a barely discernible indication or evidence of some quantity, quality, characteristic, expression, etc.:
a trace of anger in his tone.
Synonyms: touch, taste, suggestion, hint
- an extremely small amount of some chemical component:
a trace of copper in its composition.
- traces, the series of footprints left by an animal.
- the track left by the passage of a person, animal, or object:
the trace of her skates on the ice.
- Meteorology. precipitation of less than 0.005 inch (0.127 millimeter).
- a trail or path, especially through wild or open territory, made by the passage of people, animals, or vehicles.
- a tracing, drawing, or sketch of something.
- a lightly drawn line, as the record drawn by a self-registering instrument.
- Mathematics.
- the intersection of two planes, or of a plane and a surface.
- the sum of the elements along the principal diagonal of a square matrix.
- the geometric locus of an equation.
- the visible line or lines produced on the screen of a cathode-ray tube by the deflection of the electron beam.
- Linguistics. (in generative grammar) a construct that is phonologically empty but serves to mark the place in the surface structure of a sentence from which a noun phrase has been moved by a transformational operation.
- Obsolete. a footprint.
verb (used with object)
- to follow the footprints, track, or traces of.
- to follow, make out, or determine the course or line of, especially by going backward from the latest evidence, nearest existence, etc.:
to trace one's ancestry to the Pilgrims.
- to follow (footprints, evidence, the history or course of something, etc.).
- to follow the course, development, or history of:
to trace a political movement.
The police were unable to trace his whereabouts.
- to draw (a line, outline, figure, etc.).
- to make a plan, diagram, or map of.
- to copy (a drawing, plan, etc.) by following the lines of the original on a superimposed transparent sheet.
- to mark or ornament with lines, figures, etc.
- to make an impression or imprinting of (a design, pattern, etc.).
- (of a self-registering instrument) to print in a curved, broken, or wavy-lined manner.
- to put down in writing.
verb (used without object)
- to go back in history, ancestry, or origin; date back in time:
Her family traces back to Paul Revere.
- to follow a course, trail, etc.; make one's way.
- (of a self-registering instrument) to print a record in a curved, broken, or wavy-lined manner.
2[ treys ]
- either of the two straps, ropes, or chains by which a carriage, wagon, or the like is drawn by a harnessed horse or other draft animal.
- a piece in a machine, as a bar, transferring the movement of one part to another part, being hinged to each.
1/ treɪs /
- a mark or other sign that something has been in a place; vestige
- a tiny or scarcely detectable amount or characteristic
- a footprint or other indication of the passage of an animal or person
- any line drawn by a recording instrument or a record consisting of a number of such lines
- something drawn, such as a tracing
- a beaten track or path
- the postulated alteration in the cells of the nervous system that occurs as the result of any experience or learning See also memory trace engram
- geometry the intersection of a surface with a coordinate plane
- maths the sum of the diagonal entries of a square matrix
- linguistics a symbol inserted in the constituent structure of a sentence to mark the position from which a constituent has been moved in a generative process
- meteorol an amount of precipitation that is too small to be measured
- archaic.a way taken; route
- tr to follow, discover, or ascertain the course or development of (something)
to trace the history of China
- tr to track down and find, as by following a trail
- to copy (a design, map, etc) by drawing over the lines visible through a superimposed sheet of transparent paper or other material
- troften foll byout
- to draw or delineate a plan or diagram of
she spent hours tracing the models one at a time
- to outline or sketch (an idea, policy, etc)
he traced out his scheme for the robbery
- tr to decorate with tracery
- tr to imprint (a design) on cloth, etc
- usually foll by back to follow or be followed to source; date back
his ancestors trace back to the 16th century
- make one's way over, through, or along (something)
2/ treɪs /
- either of the two side straps that connect a horse's harness to the swingletree
- angling a length of nylon or, formerly, gut attaching a hook or fly to a line
- kick over the tracesto escape or defy control
Derived Forms
- ˈtraceless, adjective
- ˈtraceably, adverb
- ˌtraceaˈbility, noun
- ˈtracelessly, adverb
- ˈtraceable, adjective
Other Words From
- un·traced adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of trace1
Word History and Origins
Origin of trace1
Origin of trace2
Idioms and Phrases
- kick over the traces, to throw off restraint; become independent or defiant:
He kicked over the traces and ran off to join the navy.
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
It’s such a nuisance that Friends of Acadia has a crew of volunteer ridge runners whose mission is dismantling outlaw cairns and educating hikers to leave no trace.
Both are unlikely to turn up in the fossil record, and that’s normal for trace fossils.
Wage and Hour employees failed to so much as enter five of the 10 complaints in the department’s database, producing no trace that a complaint was ever filed.
Despite a few flurries Wednesday, Washington has yet to record a trace of snow so far this January.
They also found traces of blood on the stone knife he was carrying.
Throughout all the stories of loss and pain with the Chief, there was barely a trace of emotion.
“Almost all of our human activities leave a chemical trace in the water,” says Alm.
Recently, when whistleblowers finally surfaced, the Home Office officials could find no trace of the dossier.
He mounted a Trace Elliot amplifier on the back of the truck.
And it is nearly impossible to trace each knockoff to each patient or to confirm how many were affected.
In chronic interstitial nephritis it is small—frequently no more than a trace.
They speak of a certain Norumbega and give the names of cities and strongholds of which to-day no trace or even report remains.
Against the blue background of the sky, green hill-tops trace an undulant line.
A trace of bile may be present as a result of excessive straining while the tube is in the stomach.
A trace of light had begun to soften the sky over the dome, but had not yet seeped down to ground level.
Related Words
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.