
[ trik-uhl ]
See synonyms for trickle on
verb (used without object),trick·led, trick·ling.
  1. to flow or fall by drops, or in a small, gentle stream: Tears trickled down her cheeks.

  2. to come, go, or pass bit by bit, slowly, or irregularly: The guests trickled out of the room.

verb (used with object),trick·led, trick·ling.
  1. to cause to trickle.

  1. a trickling flow or stream.

  2. a small, slow, or irregular quantity of anything coming, going, or proceeding: a trickle of visitors throughout the day.

Origin of trickle

1325–75; Middle English triklen, trekelen (v.), apparently sandhi variant of strikle, perhaps equivalent to strike (in obsolete sense “flow”) + -le

Other words for trickle

Other words from trickle

  • trick·ling·ly, adverb Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use trickle in a sentence

  • Down at the bottom a little brook trickles along from a cold spring, and watercress and forget-me-nots grow along its edges.

    Mary Ware's Promised Land | Annie Fellows Johnston
  • On one side of it a huge precipice presents a bare rock face from which the water trickles into a little lake at the base.

    Letters from Switzerland | Samuel Irenus Prime
  • The thin stream of civilization that trickles off into the wilderness, following the iron track, makes puddles now and again.

    Over the Rocky Mountains to Alaska | Charles Warren Stoddard
  • Sand slid in tiny streams down the wall, mingling with the greenish trickles of water.

    Ralestone Luck | Andre Norton

British Dictionary definitions for trickle


/ (ˈtrɪkəl) /

  1. to run or cause to run in thin or slow streams: she trickled the sand through her fingers

  2. (intr) to move, go, or pass gradually: the crowd trickled away

  1. a thin, irregular, or slow flow of something

  2. the act of trickling

Origin of trickle

C14: perhaps of imitative origin

Derived forms of trickle

  • trickling, adjective
  • tricklingly, adverb
  • trickly, adjective

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