

View synonyms for tyrant


[ tahy-ruhnt ]


  1. a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.

    Synonyms: dictator, autocrat, despot

  2. any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically.
  3. a tyrannical or compulsory influence.
  4. an absolute ruler, especially one in ancient Greece or Sicily.


/ ˈtaɪrənt /


  1. a person who governs oppressively, unjustly, and arbitrarily; despot
  2. any person who exercises authority in a tyrannical manner
  3. anything that exercises tyrannical influence
  4. (esp in ancient Greece) a ruler whose authority lacked the sanction of law or custom; usurper
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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  • under·tyrant noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of tyrant1

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English tirant, from Old French, earlier tiran (with the addition of t by association with -ant ( def ) ), from Latin tyrannus, from Greek týrannos, of uncertain origin, perhaps Anatolian
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Word History and Origins

Origin of tyrant1

C13: from Old French tyrant, from Latin tyrannus, from Greek turannos
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Example Sentences

You can do the right thing for once in your lives and discharge this petty tyrant.

The refugee parent fleeing from the tyrant regime loses family all at once, in the space of a five-hour flight to Qatar.

From Time

State actors who reflect the real world are “criminals” who are “lying” and equivalent to tyrants and dictators.

He later said he was terrible at the job, perpetually frightened by his boss, who “behaved like a tyrant on the set.”

SovCits believe the feds are illegitimate tyrants who trick us into giving away our freedom by signing official documents.

From Ozy

Twelve-year-old dance prodigy Maddie Ziegler has suffered the wrath of Dance Moms tyrant Abby Lee Miller.

On Christmas weekend, a North Korean tyrant has decided what American teenagers will see on the silver screen.

After clashing with coach Victor Tikhonov, a KGB-installed tyrant, he chose to challenge the government and defect to the NHL.

Rivers continued on her political, authoritarian monologue by describing what kind of tyrant she would be.

And that isn't even the biggest political problem with Tyrant.

In the meantime, the outlaw, having observed how much more cordially the tyrant is received than himself, has made his exit.

To remove a tyrant is an act of liberation, the giving of life and opportunity to an oppressed people.

The removal of a tyrant is not merely justifiable; it is the highest duty of every true revolutionist.

But the killing of a tyrant, of an enemy of the People, is in no way to be considered as the taking of a life.

The superstitious tyrant Maximin endeavoured to revive the dying paganism, and to renew the persecution.


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