/ juːˈfɪtsɪ /
- an art gallery in Florence; built by Giorgio Vasari in the 16th century and opened as a museum in 1765: contains chiefly Italian Renaissance paintings
Example Sentences
He also warns that the entire Uffizi museum should be fortified with anti-seismic measures.
The Uffizi bones could give vital clues to earlier pandemics on the peninsula.
Housed near the Uffizi Gallery, in one of the most culturally rich cities in the world, the museum has some highfalutin neighbors.
As may be supposed, the Gallery of the Uffizi, gathered as it has thus been from so many sources, is as various as it is splendid.
The Uffizi has lately been enriched by a work of his pupil, that rare painter, Melozzo da Forli.
It is in the work of his fellow-pupil and Titian that the great Venetian treasure of the Uffizi lies.
Many drawings and sketches by this painter are in the Uffizi gallery, remarkable for vigour of outline.
As they drove home they stopped at the flower market in the arcades of the Uffizi, and bore home their Easter flowers.