

View synonyms for ugh


[ ookh, uhkh, uh, oo; spelling pronunciation uhg ]


  1. (used as an exclamation expressing disgust, aversion, horror, or the like.)


  1. the sound of a cough, grunt, or the like.


/ ʊx; ʊh; ʌh /


  1. an exclamation of disgust, annoyance, or dislike
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of ugh1

First recorded in 1670–80, of expressive origin
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Example Sentences

Bulls put more emphasis on the Ugh, so to sound more like a cow, concentrate on the E’s and R’s, he says.

No, we think, “Ugh, now who is gonna clean all the blood from the street!”

That was a line when I read the script that I was like, ugh!

How one ‘Angry Black Woman’ (ugh) revolutionized gay characters on TV.

That kind of made its way to me and I was like, ugh, you people are ridiculous.

But yeah, the people who went, “Ugh, how annoying,” probably forgot about it five seconds later.

"Ugh, um," she sputtered, as some of the flour flew into her eyes and nostrils.

The furthest of those two poor devils stuck up there against the rock—ugh!

He gave him some stuff out of a little flasky bottle, too, and Greg sputtered over it and said “Ugh!”

You come to feel as if you were dressed in skins, as if you were living in a cave and eating out of a trough—ugh!

Me catch peacockses for you, ye lazy scutts—an' be sacrificed by the peasanthry—ugh!'



