

View synonyms for unborn


[ uhn-bawrn ]


  1. not yet born; yet to come; future:

    unborn generations.

  2. not yet delivered; still existing in the mother's womb:

    an unborn baby.

  3. existing without birth or beginning.


/ ʌnˈbɔːn /


  1. not yet born or brought to birth
  2. still to come in the future

    the unborn world

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of unborn1

before 900; Middle English; Old English unbornen. See un- 1, born
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Example Sentences

Because, see, Igarashi’s mother and father not only surfed in Japan before moving to the United States but also claim to have moved precisely to give their unborn child the best possible shot at becoming a professional surfer.

It’s a moderately effective horror movie with a much better, creepier and more nuanced one nestled invisibly alongside, the unborn twin ghost of a movie that might have been.

From Time

No polio worries, no damage to unborn children from viruses such as measles.

That’s what some are wondering about after a model from his hit MTV series Wild N’ Out shared the name she has in mind for her unborn son, and Cannon was the surname.

The “sanctuary city for the unborn” movement, which borrows from the language of the movement for the rights of undocumented immigrants, began in 2019.

There is this trinity of female mourning: for your grandmother, your mother, and your unborn daughter.

The letter attacks Braley for having “willingly voted for extreme measures that threaten the lives of unborn children.”

They fear for their unborn child, a baby girl who will be born into a family with no belongings, no money, and little food.

Zaun, who was starting to look like the favorite, took the stage to cheers and vowed “I will spill my blood to save the unborn.”

He understood that her unborn child was at the center of her struggle.

I seemed to be a creature out of a remote unborn age, centuries hence, and even that was as real as the rest!

And if you knew the mystery of the building up—why, the growth of an unborn child is more wonderful than you can conceive.

Gilliatt had discovered this, although he knew nothing of the dead Vitruvius or of the still unborn Weston.

His first feeling now was one of pity for the untimely fate of these gentle ewes and their unborn lambs.

The sky was leaden, lowering, sinister, pregnant with unborn snow.




