
View synonyms for undress


[ uhn-dres ]

verb (used with object)

, un·dressed or un·drest, un·dress·ing.
  1. to take the clothes off (a person); disrobe.
  2. to remove the dressing from (a wound, sore, etc.).
  3. to strip or divest of or as if of a covering; expose:

    to undress a pretense.

verb (used without object)

, un·dressed or un·drest, un·dress·ing.
  1. to take off one's clothes.


  1. dress of a style designed to be worn on other than highly formal or ceremonial occasions; informal dress as opposed to full dress.
  2. dress of a style not designed to be worn in public; dishabille; negligee:

    She couldn't receive guests in such a state of undress.

  3. the condition of being unclothed; nakedness.


  1. of or relating to clothing of a style less formal than full dress:

    undress uniform.

  2. characterized by informality of dress, manners, or the like:

    an undress dinner party.



  1. to take off clothes from (oneself or another)
  2. tr to strip of ornamentation
  3. tr to remove the dressing from (a wound)


  1. partial or complete nakedness
  2. informal or normal working clothes or uniform


  1. characterized by or requiring informal or normal working dress or uniform

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Word History and Origins

Origin of undress1

First recorded in 1590–1600; un- 2 + dress

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Example Sentences

Another fighter has on a black mask such as a beheader would wear and now begins to undress to join Crawford and their pals.

Johansson begins to undress, too, but while she keeps walking, you sink into a liquid prison.

A few portraits were taken, and she says she was instructed by Richardson to undress.

Will he paint Mantel in a similar state of undress to his notorious Kate pic?

So what was his reaction to the photos taken recently of Kate and Harry in various states of undress?

So the result was that Captain Calderon yielded with the best grace he could, and commenced to undress.

They were soon inside the tent, and, too weary to undress, threw themselves down with their clothes on to sleep.

Undress: Short blue jacket with round collar, single-breasted—six buttons in front, and three on each cuff.

Hal got his hat, and the chums went forth, again in their tennis flannel undress.

There he knelt for a short time in earnest devotion, and then arose, that he might undress and prepare for the fire.


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