

View synonyms for unending


/ ʌnˈɛndɪŋ /


  1. having or seeming to have no end; interminable
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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As a Fairbanks, Alaska, resident who is accustomed to dealing with the bone-splitting cold and the seemingly unending darkness of winter, I can tell you that getting regular time outside will do wonders for maintaining your sanity.

In addition to having more time to contribute, editors have also had an unending stream of news topics to work on.

He defines it as “the sense that only the present exists, a present characterized at once by the tyranny of the instant and by the treadmill of an unending now.”

The unending uncertainty caused by the coronavirus crisis, the economic fallout that’s come with it, societal unrest as well as the wildfires still raging on the West Coast has made it difficult for him to concentrate on work.

From Digiday

This goes a long way toward explaining our unending interest in this case.

What if she were one of the rare sufferers of unending pain, and every safe medication had already been given?

The list is unending, and each case involves police mistaking disability for noncompliance.

Our unpopular and unending interventions in the Middle East brought nothing but instability.

Yet the most we do is nod along, only to return to the unending toil of making our neighbor into our enemy.

The poor child didn't understand why Teacher Thomas should stare so at her, and she let out one long, unending bleat.

They have helped men to understand that the machinery of the universe is propelled by the unending application of power.

Such instruments give an unending illustration as to the presence in Nature of energy.

What a pitiably weak understanding we have of Gods unending and infinite creation!

The poem entitled The Outcast expresses this feeling of mysterious remorse and unending and unavailing expiation.




