

View synonyms for ungodly


[ uhn-god-lee ]


, un·god·li·er, un·god·li·est.
  1. not accepting God or a particular religious doctrine; irreligious; atheistic:

    an ungodly era.

  2. sinful; wicked; impious; not conforming to religious tenets or canons:

    an ungodly life.

    Synonyms: blasphemous, corrupt, evil, profane

  3. outrageous; shocking; dreadful; insufferable:

    an ungodly roar; an ungodly hour to drop in.


/ ʌnˈɡɒdlɪ /


    1. wicked; sinful
    2. ( as collective noun; preceded by the )

      the ungodly

  1. informal.
    unseemly; outrageous (esp in the phrase an ungodly hour )
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • unˈgodliness, noun
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Other Words From

  • un·godli·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of ungodly1

First recorded in 1520–30; un- 1 + godly
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Example Sentences

During the PGA Tour’s pandemic shutdown of 2020, Rahm and Finau — both members at the Silverleaf Club in Scottsdale — played ungodly amounts of golf together, matches that Finau said more often than not went Rahm’s way.

He almost defines offensive supremacy in this era, because he takes an ungodly number of walks — six seasons of 100 or more, five in which he led the National League — and because he hits for a not insignificant amount of power.

Helbert created a Venus-simulating chamber in his lab that would heat Dyar’s rocks to ungodly temperatures to test a prototype of the Venus Emissivity Mapper, or VEM, one of the instruments proposed for VERITAS.

Google’s algorithmic tentacles scan and index every book in that ungodly pile.

So here I am in my requisite Lululemon pants, grunting along to an old hip-hop song at a most ungodly hour.

Gladwell, however, is mostly interested in the ungodly number of hours they logged on stage.

Hasan proceeded to pull the trigger with the most ungodly indifference.

Catwoman gets knocked up and, for some ungodly reason goes to see Bellatrix LaStrange from Harry Potter and Borat.

Sodom is the original ungodly city, whose customs are the opposite of the justice that Abraham will teach his descendants.

The offspring of the ungodly shall not bring forth many branches, and make a noise as unclean roots upon the top of a rock.

The children of sinners become children of abominations, and they that converse near the houses of the ungodly.

All things that are of the earth, shall return into the earth: so the ungodly shall from malediction to destruction.

All these things shall be for good to the holy, so to the sinners and the ungodly they shall be turned into evil.

The teeth of beasts, and scorpions, and serpents, and the sword taking vengeance upon the ungodly unto destruction.




