

View synonyms for unlicensed


[ uhn-lahy-suhnst ]


  1. having no license.
  2. done or undertaken without license or permission; unauthorized.
  3. unrestrained; unbridled.


/ ʌnˈlaɪsənst /


  1. having no licence

    an unlicensed restaurant

  2. without permission; unauthorized
  3. unrestrained or lawless
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of unlicensed1

First recorded in 1600–10; un- 1 + license ( def ) + -ed 2( def )
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Example Sentences

There is no effective provision for eliminating unlicensed vacation rental hosts.

The FDA is now cracking down on phenibut’s unlicensed sale, and it’s aware that much of the purchase of the drug happens in online marketplaces.

From Ozy

A judge in that case declared the tokens in question were unlicensed securities.

From Fortune

In April of this year, however, the Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to open up a 1,200 MHz swath of the wireless spectrum for unlicensed usage.

An order from the state says schools must stay closed and current state regulations only allow unlicensed camps to operate in the summer.

In the second season she spends afternoons rehearsing for a musical and buying an unlicensed gun for her clone friend.

They sometimes clubbed unlicensed dogs to death right in front of their horrified owners.

But both in the U.S. and overseas, mechanics who are unlicensed and have not undergone screening are used.

And while practicing medicine without a license is a felony, working as an unlicensed dentist is only a misdemeanor.

“Not for at least six years,” the unlicensed plumber announced.

Ralegh relied on Cecil to protect his monopoly of Virginian trade under his patent against unlicensed Adventurers.

I must protect these people from unlicensed, unregulated—ah—persons, of whose character and antecedents we have no knowledge.

If only their shipwreck might keep somebody else from putting out to sea in pleasure craft unseaworthy and unlicensed!

These vicious, unlicensed hermits were great stumbling-blocks to the godly in those times.

This continued even after the people had at last become suspicious of unlicensed banks.




