

Upper Peninsula


  1. the peninsula between lakes Superior and Michigan constituting the N part of Michigan. : U.P.

Upper Peninsula


  1. a peninsula in the northern US between Lakes Superior and Michigan, constituting the N part of the state of Michigan

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Dining at Suomi gives visitors a slice of Upper Peninsula life and a taste of Midwest history.

The Tea Party Express went on a rampage in his home district, the remote Upper Peninsula.

James Wickstrom, a Christian Identity minister, makes his home in Rhodes, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula.

He then explored the south shore of the upper peninsula of Michigan, and reached the southern extremity of Green Bay.

The latent resources of the Upper Peninsula are of a character and magnitude that defy all estimates of their future greatness.

Native to the upper peninsula of Michigan where it most likely was at one time introduced from the west.

This gives a total of one hundred and eighteen wolves killed in three out of the sixteen counties of the Upper Peninsula.

In the upper peninsula it also existed in Otter Creek, near Keweenaw.



