

View synonyms for vehicle


[ vee-i-kuhlor, sometimes, vee-hi- ]


  1. any means in or by which someone travels or something is carried or conveyed; a means of conveyance or transport:

    a motor vehicle; space vehicles.

  2. a conveyance moving on wheels, runners, tracks, or the like, as a cart, sled, automobile, or tractor.
  3. a means of transmission or passage:

    Air is the vehicle of sound.

  4. a carrier, as of infection.
  5. a medium of communication, expression, or display:

    The novel is a fitting vehicle for his talents. Language is the vehicle of thought.

  6. Theater, Movies. a play, screenplay, or the like, having a role suited to the talents of and often written for a specific performer.
  7. a means of accomplishing a purpose:

    College is a vehicle for success.

  8. Rhetoric. the thing or idea to which the subject of a metaphor is compared, as “rose” in “she is a rose.” Compare tenor ( def 3 ).
  9. Pharmacology. a substance, usually fluid, possessing little or no medicinal action, used as a medium for active remedies.
  10. Painting. a liquid, as oil, in which a pigment is mixed before being applied to a surface.


/ ˈviːɪkəl; vɪˈhɪkjʊlə /


  1. any conveyance in or by which people or objects are transported, esp one fitted with wheels
  2. a medium for the expression, communication, or achievement of ideas, information, power, etc
  3. pharmacol a therapeutically inactive substance mixed with the active ingredient to give bulk to a medicine
  4. Also calledbase a painting medium, such as oil, in which pigments are suspended
  5. (in the performing arts) a play, musical composition, etc, that enables a particular performer to display his talents
  6. a rocket excluding its payload
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Pronunciation Note

Because the primary stress in vehicle is on the first syllable, the [h] in the second syllable tends to disappear: [vee, -i-k, uh, l]. A pronunciation with primary stress on the second syllable and a fully pronounced [h] is usually considered nonstandard: [vee-, hik, -, uh, l]. In the adjective vehicular, where the primary stress is normally on the second syllable, the [h] is always pronounced.
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Derived Forms

  • vehicular, adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of vehicle1

First recorded in 1605–15; from Latin vehiculum, from veh(ere) “to carry, convey, ride” + -i- -i- + -culum -cle 2
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Word History and Origins

Origin of vehicle1

C17: from Latin vehiculum, from vehere to carry
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Example Sentences

Demand, however, is beginning to tick back up in Asia, where its annual vehicle sales are expected to be up 8% over 2019.

From Digiday

In 2014, we launched the Include program as a donation vehicle.

Disrupt is a vehicle for success for all who are playing the startup game.

Further questions about Nikola’s prior battery claims were raised by a Tuesday announcement that Nikola would use battery technology licensed from General Motors in vehicles including its upcoming Badger pickup truck.

From Fortune

Maybe drivers will be more willing than we think to spend some extra money for a plug-in vehicle.

They tried to continue their getaway but had to quickly abandon their vehicle on the Rue de Meaux in the 19th.

Eventually Morrow was released with no money, vehicle, or phone.

Right now, former Virginia Senator James Webb may prove the best vehicle for dino-Democratic ideas.

KSM enters the complex through a “Sally Port,” a series of gates designed to allow just one vehicle in at a time.

In front of its offices in Donetsk, there is an armored military vehicle.

But first he held a whispered colloquy with the Princess, whom he entreated, or persuaded, to re-enter her gorgeous vehicle.

Not but that a cabriolet is a good vehicle of its sort: I know of few more comfortable.

The rapid vehicle once more passed over the draw-bridge and wheeled down the declivity through the town.

Several sentinels drew around the vehicle, with demands whence it came, and what was the object of the persons it contained.

When the owner can afford it, an ample supply of cushions and shawls makes the clumsy vehicle more comfortable for its occupant.




