


[ vet-er-uh-nair-ee-uhn, ve-truh- ]


  1. a person who practices veterinary medicine or surgery.


/ ˌvɛtərɪˈnɛərɪən; ˌvɛtrɪ- /


  1. a person suitably qualified and registered to practise veterinary medicine Also calledesp in Britainveterinary surgeon
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of veterinarian1

1640–50; < Latin veterīnāri ( us ) veterinary + -an
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Example Sentences

For fun, he also runs the “marvelous critters veterinary medicine club,” where students who are studying to be veterinarians get together to talk about magical creatures.

Check with your veterinarian about bananas and other healthy snacks for dogs.

Also proposed was a certificate of health that would need to be completed by a veterinarian and renewed each year.

Petco is also making an aggressive push deeper into veterinarian services, an area of intense competition that includes PetSmart, Walmart, and Chewy’s online pharmacy.

From Fortune

As far as the grass eating, this is considered normal behavior by many veterinarians, although the jury is out on why they munch on grass.

By 1998, their star elephant, Kenny, became ill and was ordered not to perform by a circus veterinarian.

In a small nod to ancient stories, Hershel is not a doctor, but a veterinarian.

The Yeagers of Phoenix, Arizona, are chosen: veterinarian Warren, his first wife Jeanette, and their two children.

You should, according to Dr. Jeff Werber, Founder and Veterinarian at the Century Veterinary Group in Los Angeles.

If a woman wants to be a teacher rather than a miner, or a veterinarian rather than a petroleum engineer, more power to her.

The veterinarian waited until Ticktock awoke, and then lowered him until his feet touched the ground lightly.

The veterinarian wasted no time, but after a short greeting to the family, immediately went to work.

The veterinarian looked around appraisingly and then issued instructions.

After the plaster cast had been applied and was hardening, the veterinarian sat down to relax for a few minutes.

Called in during this early stage, the veterinarian is often puzzled as to the exact significance of the symptoms.





Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United Statesveterinary