

VU meter


  1. a meter used with sound-reproducing or recording equipment that indicates average sound levels.

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In recording studio terms, one would say that the needle on the emotional VU meter is pegged to the right, in the red; the volume is turned way up here, even when the performance itself is whispery and crafted to sound casual.

But throughout “Seven Worlds” there are scenes that trip the déjà vu meter.

The $70 CT200 skips those features but adds treble and bass dials and a VU meter, which looks cooler and thus commands a higher price.

Treble and bass controls let you tweak the tube-enhanced sound just so, and watching the needle of the VU meter dance as you kick back just adds to the retro charm.

The needle of the déjà vu meter is pegged deep into the red zone in "Safe House."



