

View synonyms for wanderlust


[ won-der-luhst ]


  1. a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.


/ ˈwɒndəˌlʌst /


  1. a great desire to travel and rove about
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. A German word for the irresistibly strong desire to travel or wander.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of wanderlust1

First recorded in 1850–55; from German, from wander(n) “to wander” ( wander ) + Lust “desire” ( lust )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of wanderlust1

German, literally: wander desire
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Example Sentences

The first rule is to choose useful gear that will enhance wanderlust rather than hinder it.

As with a sports coupe, the two-door Bronco exudes wanderlust and excitement.

That’s the wanderlust reward so many students, reeling from more than a year of distance learning, are craving.

The first rule of picking out the best gifts for travelers is to choose useful gear that will enhance wanderlust rather than hinder it.

Still, vaccines are offering hope that Americans will rediscover their wanderlust and cast off the limitations of video chats and telephone calls.

From Fortune

These are seriously fun journeys that allow users to satisfy their wanderlust without a plane ticket.

Wanderlust stresses a no-harm-done mantra, and their intention is not, as Austin puts it, “to poke holes in the security theater.”

With the watch, Wanderlust found a way to cover costs and ensure a varied and trustworthy clientele.

The Night Heron was the first adventure Wanderlust opened up to an audience larger than a pre-set guest list.

The Wanderlust Projects duo are building bars in water towers and romantic getaways in abandoned resorts.

Easy as life was for Gorky in this city, where he remained for a while, the "wanderlust" again seized him.

He was a boyish and attractive individual whom the wanderlust had driven westward from his home in Wisconsin.

The Wanderlust becomes chronic, and mainly because it was not treated properly in its intermittent stage.

The sweet fragrance of blossoming orchards tingled in your nostrils and thrilled you with wanderlust.

Moonlight nights had come and the wanderlust was growing more and more insistent in his veins.




