

View synonyms for what for

what for

  1. A punishment or scolding, as in You'll get what for from Mom if she catches you smoking , or The teacher really gave Bud what for . [ Colloquial ; second half of 1800s]

  2. For what purpose or reason, why, as in I know you're going to England, but what for? [Mid-1700s]

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“Locals knew that filming would be taking place in the basin, but no one knew what for - the crew were keeping it well under wraps,” said local business owner, Chris Allen.

From BBC

Welsh Labour politicians enter what for many of them is uncharted territory next week.

From BBC

When a Californian loses fire insurance, there are two basic options: Go without protection and risk losing what for many people is their most valuable asset — known as going naked.

"No matter what happens - whether they raise, lower or hold them - I feel as though the next decade is probably just going to be difficult no matter what for most people," he says.

From BBC

He was at last actually doing what for weeks he had been doing only in his imagination.



