
[ win-dij ]

  1. the influence of the wind in deflecting a missile.

  2. the amount of such deflection.

  1. the degree to which a gunsight must be adjusted to correct for windage.

  2. a difference between the diameter of a projectile and that of the gun bore, for the escape of gas and the prevention of friction.

  3. Nautical. that portion of a vessel's surface upon which the wind acts.

  4. Machinery. friction between a rotor and the air within its casing, as in an electric generator.

  5. Electricity. the resisting influence of air against the rotating armature of a dynamo, creating a power loss.

Origin of windage

First recorded in 1700–10; wind1 + -age

Words Nearby windage Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use windage in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for windage


/ (ˈwɪndɪdʒ) /

    • a deflection of a projectile as a result of the effect of the wind

    • the degree of such deflection

    • the extent to which it is necessary to adjust the wind gauge of a gun sight in order to compensate for such deflection

  1. the difference between a firearm's bore and the diameter of its projectile

  1. nautical the exposed part of the hull of a vessel responsible for wind resistance

  2. the retarding force upon a rotating machine resulting from the drag of the air

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