
[ yurn ]
See synonyms for: yearnyearning on

verb (used without object)
  1. to have an earnest or strong desire; long: to yearn for a quiet vacation.

  2. to feel tenderness; be moved or attracted: They yearned over their delicate child.

Origin of yearn

First recorded before 900; Middle English yernen, Old English giernan derivative of georn “eager”; akin to Old Norse girna “to desire,” Greek chaírein “to rejoice,” Sanskrit háryati “(he) desires”

synonym study For yearn

1. Yearn, long, hanker, pine all mean to feel a powerful desire for something. Yearn stresses the depth and passionateness of a desire: to yearn to get away and begin a new life; to yearn desperately for recognition. Long implies a wholehearted desire for something that is or seems unattainable: to long to relive one's childhood; to long for the warmth of summer. Hanker suggests a restless or incessant craving to fulfill some urge or desire: to hanker for a promotion; to hanker after fame and fortune. Pine adds the notion of physical or emotional suffering as a result of the real or apparent hopelessness of one's desire: to pine for one's native land; to pine for a lost love.

Other words from yearn

  • yearner, noun
  • un·yearned, adjective

Words Nearby yearn Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use yearn in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for yearn


/ (jɜːn) /

  1. (usually foll by for or after or an infinitive) to have an intense desire or longing (for); pine (for)

  2. to feel tenderness or affection

Origin of yearn

Old English giernan; related to Old Saxon girnian, Old Norse girna, Gothic gairnjan, Old High German gerōn to long for, Sanskrit haryati he likes

Derived forms of yearn

  • yearner, noun

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