Yearly Archives: 2018

  1. What Happens When Memes Go Wrong

    LOLcats. Good Guy Greg. Forever Alone Rage Face. Scumbag Steve. If you recognize that these are internet memes, you’re not oblivious to the raging cultural phenomenon that has swept internet screens in the last several years.  So, what does meme mean? For the uninitiated, an internet meme is any concept expressed through digital media that goes viral—a photo, video, GIF, song, doodle, fictional character, symbol. The …

  2. How To Be Less Forgetful And Remember Everything

    What are mnemonics? Whether or not you loved school, there are several fictitious figures you should thank for your education. Your Dear Aunt Sally, for example, as well as your Very Educated (or Excited, Eccentric, Elephantine) Mother, and Roy G. Biv. Also, be grateful that All Cows Eat Grass; those cows saved your ‘rhymes-with-grass’ in music class. Has this collection of relatives and cows sent you …

  3. This Isn’t A Reverie—It’s The Word Of The Day Quiz!

    This is not a Sisyphean quiz . . . your vocabulary will improve with another Word of the Day Quiz.

  4. getty

    Why Does France Avoid English Loanwords?

    Why does France hate English loanwords? France has a très rich literary and linguistic culture. So, it’s not surprising that their government takes a dim view to any intrusions made to it by, er, outside influences. As an article in The Guardian notes, “France’s identity has long been bound up with its language, more so possibly than anywhere else.” They also add that “France is …

  5. Handsome And Other Trending Words On

    During the week of January 18–24, 2018, our word with the biggest search increase was handsome. Up 1069%, handsome had some recent newsworthy recognition. Here are a few of the stories: It’s been 10 years since Heath Ledger’s death January 22, 2008, and he’s been remembered this week for his handsome looks on top of his immense talent. In Japan, women are now paying to cry with a handsome …

  6. Decoding The PR Machine

    Deciphering the language of hype Language can be used to avoid discussion just as much as it can be used to communicate effectively. For example: the language of public relations. Public-relations representatives often speak for corporate America, politicians, and the media. They know how to avoid topics and how to not answer the hard questions (tweaking language to fit a particular need at a particular …

  7. A Heartsome Word of the Day Quiz To Help You Brave The Week

    Are you an enfant terrible? If so, at least use decent vocabulary. Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter)! If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser.   Improve your vocabulary with our Visual Word of the Day videos. See this week’s here.  

  8. Getty

    Taser: A Surprising Acronym With An Unsettling Story

    Many people might be surprised to learn that the word taser is an acronym. The (debatable) non-lethal weapon that causes temporary paralysis was invented in the 1970s by a man named Jack Cover (who worked for NASA at one point). Cover aimed to create a non-lethal weapon that could be used in situations in which firing a real gun would prove fatal, like in an airplane hijacking. …

  9. Why Do We Call It A “Wife Beater” Shirt?

    How did a violent term become a piece of clothing? We’re in a bubbling cauldron of gender issues, and they’re boiling to the surface. To contribute to this heated discussion, we think there’s no better time to take wife beater, the slang term for that ubiquitous sleeveless white shirt, to the dump for good. But, how did the violent term become associated with a piece …

  10. Why Did Twitter Change Their Character Limit To 280 Characters?

    We all know by now that Twitter raised their character limit to 280 in 2017. Predictably, this change has inspired hilarious reactions online. Most users are downright gleeful they have a wee-bit more space to tweet. Others are upset, claiming this expansion will ruin Twitter by making it more like Facebook. A few grumpy tweeters have solemnly vowed to never compose a tweet that’s longer …

  11. What’s Nuclear About A Football?

    Whose nuclear launch button is bigger? There has been a serious kerfuffle in the news about buttons and their relative size. Specifically, nuclear launch buttons. Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, flatly stated that a nuclear button is on his desk at all times. “It’s not a mere threat but a reality that I have a nuclear button on the desk in my office.” …

  12. New Year, New Word Of The Day Quiz

    It may be your moira to ace this Word of the Day Quiz . . . better take it and find out! Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter)! If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser.   Improve your vocabulary with our Visual Word of the Day videos. See this week’s …