
  1. Billboard: Urban Legends/UMe, Dictionary.Com Honor Black Music Month With ‘Lexical Mixtape’ Campaign

  2. THE HILL: trolls CBS over photo referring to World Cup star Julie Ertz as a ‘wife’

  3. My Black is Beautiful – A Platform Powered by Procter and Gamble – Challenges Dictionaries To #RedefineBlack

  4. Fast Company: Russia! Russia! Russia! explains Trump’s palilogy

  5. Mashable: Let’s just call Donald Trump’s Kentucky Derby tweet performance art

  6. Business Insider: 13 slang words everyone is using and what they really mean is a reputable source for everything from academic research to analyzing trending slang.

  7. USA Today: What does ‘white fragility’ mean? Facebook discussions about race add new words to dictionaries

  8. Washington Post: Kylie Jenner, now a billionaire, is called ‘self-made.’ Is that really true?

    The Twitter reminds us of the true definition of “self-made.”

  9. Defining Times: Adds New Words, Including Impostor Syndrome, Whitelash, Toxic Masculinity, JOMO and More

  10. ABC News: From ‘witch hunt,’ to ‘kompromat’: What new definitions added to reveal about our political discourse has added new words to the dictionary, reflecting the changing political landscape.

  11. Buzzfeed: 300 New Words Are Being Added To This Year And, Oh My, They’re Good, everyone’s favorite source for spell-check and sassy clapbacks, just dropped over 300 new words that are being added this year.

  12. CNET: inches closer to explaining the enigma of Gen Z’s vocabulary

    “Shitpost” and “textlationship” are among the site’s newest entries.